18 December 2012

Entrepreneur Auctioned Off Last Name To Highest Bidder For US$45,000

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Jacksonville-based American entrepreneur Jason Sadler successfully auctioned off his last name for a whooping US$45,000 earlier this month.

The winner of the bid—Headsets.com—is now the proud new owner of Jason’s last name and have advertising spots on all his legal identification documents and social media profiles for a year from 1 January 2013.

The soon-to-be Jason HeadsetsDotCom is known for his whacky but lucrative ways of making money through unconventional marketing campaigns—as the creator of IWearYourShirt.com, he was actually able to make a US$250,000-a-year living just by wearing T-shirts printed with his advertisers’ logos.

This should inspire you to give that crazy idea of yours a go—because you'll never know if it will work and make you truckloads of money.

[via Oddity Central]