20 December 2012

‘Musical’ Fork Lets Users Play Various Sounds When Eating Food

[Click here to view the video in this article]

A research group from the Ochanomizu University in Tokyo has developed a fork-type instrument that plays various sounds when it is used to eat.

Called ‘EaTheremine’ (a word play on ‘Eat’ and ‘Theremin’), the sounds that it makes changes according to the resistance value of the food attached to it.

For example, when the user is eating a piece of carrot, the device will make a ‘crunch’ sound—while eating a piece of fried tempura will cause it to play the sound “Garigori” or “Shori”, depending on the resistance.

According to its developers, they said that the EaTheremine adds a ‘fun’ element to eating, which encourages people to eat more and to try food that they didn’t like before.

Check out the videos below to see how it works:

[via Digi Info TV]