21 January 2013

Dutch Architect To Build World’s First 3D-Printed House

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Holland-based architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars from Universe Architecture has revealed plans to create the world’s first 3D-printed house, according to BBC.

What he hopes to call ‘Landscape House’ is inspired by the Earth’s landscape, and will cost about US$5-7 million.

Currently, Rujissenaars is working with mathematician and artist Rinus Roelofs, and large-scale 3D printing expert Enrico Dini, on the project.

The architect plans to first print the form of the building in 6 x 9-meter “marble-like material” sand pieces—which are supposedly stronger than cement—and fill the sand pieces up with fiber-reinforced concrete.

Landscape House will resemble a giant, endless möbius band—a continuous loop where “floors transform to ceilings, inside into outside”.

“For me as an architect it’s been a nice way to construct this specific design—it has no beginning and no end and with the 3D printer, we can make it look like that,” Ruijssenaars told BBC.

“In traditional construction you have to make a mould of wood and you fill it with concrete and then you take out the wood—it’s a waste of time and energy. You can print what you want—it’s a more direct way of constructing.”

Landscape House is predicted to be printed out by 2014; if successful, Rijssenaars would print more of them all around the world.

[via BBC, images via Universe Architects]