18 January 2013

McDonald’s Unveils New QR-Enhanced Packaging Designs

[Click here to view the video in this article]

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Fast-food giant McDonald’s has unveiled new packaging designs for its take-out carriers and fountain beverage cups.

Enhanced with QR-codes, the packaging designs provide consumers access to interesting nutritional information—in the most engaging and modern way.

“Our new packaging is designed to engage with customers in relevant ways and celebrate our brand,” Kevin Newell, McDonald’s Chief Brand Officer, said in a statement. “Customers tell us they want to know more about the food they are eating and we want to make that as easy as possible by putting this information right at their fingertips.”

The new designs will roll out in the US this week, and internationally through 2013.

In Australia—as part of its “Macca’s” campaign—McDonald’s has also released an iPhone app “TrackMyMacca’s” that lets its customers track the ingredients in the food they purchased.

Watch the video below to see TrackMyMacca’s app at work:

Click to view enlarged version

Click to view enlarged version

[via Marketwire.com and POPSOP.COM, images via McDonaldsCorp]