1 March 2013

For Photographers With A Sweet Tooth, A Chocolate DSLR Camera

San Francisco-based artist Hans Chung has created a detailed replica of a Canon DSLR camera that is good enough to eat.

Made entirely of delicious chocolate, the five pound camera even comes with chocolate battery grip and camera lens.

When asked about the process, he said, “I buy a real camera and a real lens. Then I make a mold box and make a mold. The camera is pretty much destroyed in the process.”

“Making a mold of something so intricate is not easy [or] cheap. The mold material required to achieve this level of detail does not last beyond 10 copies. After 10 copies, some details start to fade away.”

“Each camera takes about 5 hours of elapsed time of tempering and pouring. I only have a small chocolate tempering machine.”

This limited edition edible chocolate camera can be yours at US$500.

[via Toxel]