3 March 2013

Junk Mail Cleverly Designed To Look Like Important Letters

Considering that most people discard junk mail without even opening them, the senders of these annoying envelopes have thought up of an ingenious way to make sure that you get their messages—by disguising their absolutely unimportant letters as urgent official correspondence that requires your immediate attention.

The team at Evil Mad Scientist has gathered a small collection of cleverly designed junk mail—“Envelopes That Claim to be Important”—that will have you thinking that they are important letters from the bank or government at first glance.

Featuring seals that resembles those of government agencies, bank-style tear tabs at the sides, threatening fine print and other ingenious details, these envelopes are often printed with a call for quick action, such as “Final Notice Enclosed”.

Although junk mail will never be enjoyable, these creative ones are impressive for the amount of effort that went into them—see more of them over here.

[via Evil Mad Scientist]