Grandpa Mario

In the series ‘Portraits Of My Family’, the portraits contain no faces or smiles, not even people.
Instead, Italy-based photographer Camilla Catrambone creatively represents her family members by photographing objects they’ve owned.
The series interestingly explores how people are remembered and what we can tell of a person through their possessions.
Catrambone said, “If I look at the image of my grandpa, Mario, I can go back in time when we sat at his writing table and fully feel the mood of that moment”.
"The objects represented in the picture don't express the entire life of my grandpa, but the portrait deeply describes a moment I shared with him."
Grandma Ilva - Mario's wife

Nanny Renata

My Mom

My Mom #2

Grandpa Antonio

Grandma Ilva #2

[Huffington Post, images via Camilla Catrambone]
In the series ‘Portraits Of My Family’, the portraits contain no faces or smiles, not even people.
Instead, Italy-based photographer Camilla Catrambone creatively represents her family members by photographing objects they’ve owned.
The series interestingly explores how people are remembered and what we can tell of a person through their possessions.
Catrambone said, “If I look at the image of my grandpa, Mario, I can go back in time when we sat at his writing table and fully feel the mood of that moment”.
"The objects represented in the picture don't express the entire life of my grandpa, but the portrait deeply describes a moment I shared with him."
Grandma Ilva - Mario's wife
Nanny Renata
My Mom
My Mom #2
Grandpa Antonio
Grandma Ilva #2
[Huffington Post, images via Camilla Catrambone]