The use of pre-built websites has several advantages over other website-creating approaches. Wireframing, online website builders, and outsourcing all have drawbacks that are not to be found in a pre-built website approach.
- Wireframing is popular. It can however be a time consuming technique.
- Pre-built websites either come with pre-built layouts or you can easily adjust the layout to your needs.
- While some online website builders will provide you with a decent performance, subscription plans are not always cost effective.
- The quality pre-built websites deliver is uniformly good, and the cost is usually significantly less in the long run than the cost of subscription plans.
- Outsourcing work to a reliable designer/developer can make sense when important customization is required. On the other hand, it is usually the most expensive approach.
- Superior quality is achieved when using pre-built websites, and at a fraction of
Five Pre-built Website Examples
How to Install and Edit a Be Theme Pre-Built Website – 1 Click at a Time
You could select one of these 5 samples, or any of BeTheme’s more than 155 customizable pre-built websites (and the number is growing), install it with a single click, and start editing with Muffin Builder 3. Editing is easy, any you can build page after page in no time at all.
The video shows just how easy it is, and how you can create a website in hours instead of days. You may think the action shown in the video is rather fast and furious. You will soon find however that you can perform your page-building tasks at whatever rate you are comfortable with – super-fast or at your leisure.
You will also note that using a pre-built website is significantly faster and easier than wireframing. Website complexity is not an issue, and unlike outsourcing, you have control over your project every step of the way. About all you need to have with you is a concept of what you want in your website and its individual pages to look like. Then it’s simply a matter of giving BeTheme one-click-at-a-time instructions and letting the software do the heavy lifting.
You can use any pre-built website to get a project underway, but once you have looked them over, you will find at least one or two that will get you off to a fantastic start.
Why BeTheme Makes an Excellent Choice
BeTheme is proof that at times, bigger is definitely better. Its 155+ pre-built websites are game changers, particularly when Be’s 40 core features are brought into play. Be’s 23,000 sales figure says a lot too.
- 119 of the pre-built websites are multipage, and 8 new ones are released every month.
- If you want to start from scratch with a blank screen, you can do so. The tools you need are at your fingertips, including Muffin Builder 3. Its newly streamlined interface makes it easier than ever to work with, while its search feature allows you to quickly find the design elements you need.
- If you are a dyed-in-the-wool Visual Composer user, no problem; you can use either VC or Muffin Builder, or both.
- Whether you start from scratch, or with a pre-built website, you can create an attention-grabbing website in a relatively short time without having to rely on coding whatsoever.
- Building a complex website will never be a problem. This includes the often product-laden, multipage eCommerce sites. The WooCommerce plugin takes less than a minute to install.
- Take your pick from 20 customizable Header Styles. Upload you own logos, set fonts, colors, and sizes and more; and you can use different menus on different website pages if you wish.
- One of the reasons coding is not necessary resides in the Muffin Options Panel. This powerful admin panel manages the use of the many options included in the theme, so you never have to worry about writing a line of code.
- Whether you are creating a one-page website (Be makes it easy) or a multipage one, the results can be awesome looking when you put Be’s smooth Parallax Effect and/or Video Background into play. Unlimited color choices, advanced typography, and 6-column support features play important roles as well.
Be is fast, easy to use, and offers great flexibility, as its users will attest to. Code quality, features, customizability, you name it; you’ll find all of these raved about when you see what Be’s users have to say. This small sampling illustrates what users like best about BeTheme. As you can see, they are more than satisfied with what this WordPress theme can accomplish.
The Importance of Excellent Customer Support
When the reasons for Be being the biggest WordPress theme of all were spelled out, an important reason was left out – Customer Support. Without the level of support Be’s world class team provides day in and day out, the sales figures would not be nearly so high. Without Customer Support’s assistance, Be’s powerful core features and pre-built websites would not necessarily be the game changers they are. As these example illustrate, you can always expect prompt and detailed solutions to whatever questions or issues you might have.
Now that you have had a chance to see why basing a project around pre-built websites makes so much sense, why not visit BeTheme’s website, where you will find out even more. You’ll be impressed when you see each and every one of the 155+ game changing pre-built websites. You can also study Be’s core features in detail and see how they will help you work smarter and faster. When you’re done, we hope you’ll join Be’s throng of happy and satisfied users.