8 October 2013

A Website That Aims To Catalog Every Apple Product Ever Made

“A prototype Apple Macintosh with a Twiggy floppy disk drive similar to the disk drive in the Lisa 1. Due to high error rates, the Twiggy drive was ditched in the last few months before the product shipped in favor of a 400K Sony 3.5" disk drive.”

To pay tribute to the company that inspired him, 42-year-old Jonathan Zufi has catalogued many of the devices that Apple has made.

The goal is to have every single Apple product showcased on his website, Shrine Of Apple, and so far, he has taken 150,000 photos of Apple products and purchased 500 more for this project.

For the Australian, this hunt for Apple products commenced with a trip down memory lane when he was looking for a game called “Robot War”, which was playable on an Apple II.

From that search, Zufi found a community of collectors who have the rarest Apple products in their collection, which inspired him to get started on this idea.

After beginning this project, Zufi had to learn how to take pictures of Apple products, consulting a professional to present them like the tech giant does on its website.

It seems ike the project is coming to fruition as Zufi is putting together a book, Iconic which showcases these products, receiving written contributions by co-founder Steve Wozniak and early employee David Kottke.

Although this book isn’t a reference guide, Zufi hopes that this 326-page book will showcase the “design and technical innovation” embodied by Apple products.

[via CNet News]