29 August 2014

Photographer Shoots In The Nude To Capture His Subjects’ Honest Reactions

Most photographers would usually try their best to make their subjects feel comfortable before they take their photos, but Trevor Christensen does not seem to subscribe to that notion.

His project, ‘Nude Portraits’, comes with a twist—the only nude person in the room is Christensen, who turned the tables on himself by shooting his subjects while dressed in his birthday suit.

Trevenson said that his project is about “leveling the playing field in an unorthodox way.”

“Instead of focusing on bringing the subject to a place of ease, where I am, this project bring me to a place of vulnerability.”

Interestingly, his subjects responded with varying reactions—a woman gave a slightly horrified look, while others gave coquettish grins, and amused smiles paired with closed eyes.

To get more updates about Christensen’s ongoing project, you can follow him on Instagram and Twitter, or visit his website.

[via PetaPixel, images by Trevor Christensen]