3 December 2014

Fun DIY Calendar Filled With Cheeky Activities To Do Every Day In December

Image via Locketfox

Make your December a fun, memorable one with the ‘Daily Do-cember Fun-athon’—a handmade calendar filled with cheap and creative activities that would make you smile every day for an entire month.

Designed by Mark Krawczuk and Robin Lehto, the Daily Do-cember Fun-athon is inspired by traditional advent calendar, which consist of cheeky prompts like “Have what they are having: Order the same things as the person next to you and then wink at them”.

You can download and design you own calendar here, or purchase a pre-made one for US$5.

Image via Mark Krawczuk

Image via Robin Lehto

Image via Robin Lehto

[via Laughing Squid]