26 February 2013

Artist “Tattoos” Impressively Intricate Portraits On Bananas With A Pin

New York-based graphic artist and illustrator Honey have etched some remarkably detailed portraits on bananas.

Using a safety pin, she pierces the skin of the banana one point at a time, causing the pin-pricked spots of the fruit to turn brown upon exposure to air—as a whole, the tiny holes form the desired image.

To date, she has created banana portraits of a number of famous personalities, including actor Jack Nicholson, Steve Jobs, Gene Simmons, Jim Morrison, Twiggy, and even President Barack Obama.

Bananas seem to be a popular canvas for creatives recently—we have previously featured these typography-inspired banana drawings and these astounding re-creations of famous paintings on bananas.

View some of them below:

[via Sweet Station]