1 August 2014

Striking Photos Of A Model Posing With A Dead Whale In Thailand

For his photo series ‘THE LAST FAREWELL’, fashion photographer Tom Potisit featured Dutch model Melanie De Witt in various dramatic poses with a dead whale that was found near Bangkok, Thailand.

Thai-born Potisit said that his work was meant as a tribute for “all volunteers, marine and coastal biologists” who have tirelessly fought to keep the extinction of endangered marine animals at bay.

Potisit, an active animal volunteer himself, also aimed to send a strong message about animal conservation through his work.

In most photos, the model posed closely with the dead whale while a group of volunteers processed the huge animal carcass in the background, which was believed to have drowned in a fishing net.

Scroll down to view the moving images.

[via Tom Potisit]