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Cat owners, are you guilty of doing one of these silly things listed in the video?
Chris, the owner of two cats named Cole and Marmalade—we last featured here—has compiled this funny video, which points out the embarrassing things cat owners have done to compromise their life for their feline companions.
For instance, canceling a plan just to stay home and snuggle up with your kitty, or skip doing the laundry altogether because your cat decided that your pile of dirty clothes will be its bed for the day.
Find out the other things cat owners do in the video below—are you able to identify with these 10 things listed in the video?

[via Laughing Squid, Cole and Marmalade, images via video screenshot]
Cat owners, are you guilty of doing one of these silly things listed in the video?
Chris, the owner of two cats named Cole and Marmalade—we last featured here—has compiled this funny video, which points out the embarrassing things cat owners have done to compromise their life for their feline companions.
For instance, canceling a plan just to stay home and snuggle up with your kitty, or skip doing the laundry altogether because your cat decided that your pile of dirty clothes will be its bed for the day.
Find out the other things cat owners do in the video below—are you able to identify with these 10 things listed in the video?
[via Laughing Squid, Cole and Marmalade, images via video screenshot]