3 December 2014

In Japan, It Is Now Possible To Fry Shrimps In Just 3 Seconds

[Click here to view the video in this article]

This Japanese video shows how to fry a batch of fresh shrimp in three seconds, including its preparation time, with just a push of a button.

The title of the video translates to ‘3 Seconds Cooking Detonation Velocity Fried Shrimp’—according to Elite Daily, the video is used for promoting a wireless data package.

The shrimps are fired in high-speed through a cloud of flour, bathed in egg yolks and bread batter, into a burst of flames before hitting the bull’s eye of an inflated float, strategically landing them on a plate that is ready to be served.

Watch the video below to see how the shrimps are fried.

[via Elite Daily, images via video screenshot]