21 February 2013

New York City’s Sidewalks Transform Into Pop-Up Parks

New York-based designers Howard Chambers and Bland Hoke are working on a project—“Softwalks”—that aims to transform the sidewalks of New York City into sociable public spaces with clever design tweaks.

The Softwalks system currently consist of four parts—a seat, a counter, a planter and a light reflector—that attach easily to the scaffolding found on so many of the city’s sidewalks.

With these simple but brilliant add-ons, it is now possible to turn the 189 miles of existing scaffolding—or “sidewalk sheds”—into “pop-up parks”, where people can enjoy a rest, a drink or a chat with friends.

The Softwalks team is developing an additional screen, bench and game board—it also plans to launch two or three of its pilot projects in the city in spring this year.

Watch the the video below to see how the project will change New York City’s sidewalks:

[via Softwalks]