‘Lernstift’ is a vibrating pen that lets users know when they've made a spelling mistake or their handwriting isn’t legible.
Developed in Austria, it was design as a learning tool for young children; to teach them how to write and develop good writing habits.
The pen features “sophisticated electronics” that recognizes all writing moments, and will let the user know when he or she has made a mistake with a short ‘unmistakable’ vibration.
There are two modes to choose from—‘Calligraphy Mode’, which points out flaws in form and legibility—and ‘Orthography Mode’, which detects spelling and grammatical mistakes.
According to its website, “For centuries, mankind has been learning to write. All that time, we used to depend on someone to look over our shoulder or correct spelling, grammar and form afterwards.”
“In the future we can get our feedback another way—and more importantly: instantly! With Lernstift, it combines a time-tested writing utensil with state of the art technology and thereby gives writing by hand new relevance and appeal in the age of iPad & Co.”
[via Lernstift]