Micro-interactions are a great way to enhance the user experience on your website.
Micro-interaction, as the name suggests, is a small type of interaction on your website which grabs the attention of your visitor. Micro-interaction is an engagement, based on a single task in any digital manner. Be it switching off the alarm on your cell phone or putting your viewpoint through votes on the internet, micro-interactions fall in different categories.

What are Micro-interactions?
We deal with Micro-interactions every day, in every appliance, website and device. Micro-interactions play an important role in making a brand memorable and unique. From changing a song in your iPod to posting a status on your social media networks, Micro-interactions are all around us.
You can perform numerous things with Micro-interactions.
- Helping the user understand something
- Passing over information through feedback or review
- Checking out the result of a particular action.
- Connecting different devices together
- Customizing a setting
- Switching a function or feature on or off
Even though micro-interactions are everywhere, we generally fail to notice them unless something goes terribly wrong. However, in spite of their small and negligible size, they are extremely important.
In general, Micro-interactions consist of actions or moments for elements.

How to integrate Micro-interaction in your website?
There are various different ways of integrating micro-interaction in your website. Some of them are shared here.
1. Highlight changes
Change is a major part of digital world. Nothing can be achieved without making small to major changes. Highlighting changes are the best way to keep your user informed about various processes. Often, these changes are shown merely by replacing a button with another when required. Also, changes can be highlighted when a user hovers on a specific button. Animation is the best way to grab the attention of a user.
2. Envisage input
From filling up a registration form to finding required information through a search box, data input is an important element of any website or app. Consequently, the user becomes dependent on it. Filling this data can be quite boring and cumbersome for the user. However, micro-interaction is here to turn this boring, monotonous process into interactive and highly interesting task.
3. Convey system status
Web users tend to navigate away from your website if it does not load up fast as they are aware of the fact that there are many other websites available on the internet which can provide them the same information but in less time. Therefore, it becomes all the more important to keep your visitors interested in your website preventing them to navigate away from your site. Micro-interactions have the power to keep the visitor interested while taking its own time for loading a particular page or information. Adding system statuses through micro-interactions can do wonders for your website. Do not let your users get bored; uplift their mood by showing them progress in an animated manner.
4. Non-Standard layouts
Micro-interactions can also help your users deal with uncommon and new design layouts. Rotating characters, scrolling graphs, forward flipping photos or easy scrolling are great examples of micro-interactions.
5. Calls to action
Not only micro-interactions help users interact with a website or an app, but also have the power to persuade them to keep scrolling, like or share a particular content, just because it keeps the user interested in the website.
Micro-interactions are interactive and do not leave a user bewildered about the website or app.

Author Bio: Elvin Roy is a professional blogger who is great at bringing knowledge in her writings and associated with Wordsuccor that is a fastest growing WordPress Theme Development company giving service of HTML to WordPress responsive, Converting HTML to WordPress theme which also giving proficient theme & templates customization services across the globe. If you need to hire a WordPress developer, feel free to contact her Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn