4 February 2013

Five Foot Skull Covered In Leather Petals

London-based artist Jacky Tsai who used to do Floral Skull fashion design for Alexander McQueen, has now created a giant skull made of leather-petal flowers.

Called ‘Floral Skull Leather Sculpture’, the artwork explores juxtaposition between the symbol of death, covered with the lives of blossoming flowers.

Tsai has taken an interest in printing his work on various materials and fabrics while working in pattern design for McQueen.

Since then, his vision is to “create a unique marriage between traditional Eastern craftsmanship with contemporary Western pop art.”

The five foot floral sculpture took 15 needlesmiths, 300 days and nights, 1000 leather pieces stitched together to produce the countless blossoms that adorn the giant skull.

Tsai’s other work, titled ‘Floral Skullptures’, is a series of beautiful skulls covered in hand stitched flowers, each of them in a unique color combination.

[via Devid Sketchbook]