12 March 2013

Boost Your Creativity By Listening To Coffee Shop Noises At Your Work Space

Studies have shown that a right amount of ambient noise can actually boost creativity, which means that a perfectly quiet room is not the best place to work.

Working from the premise that the ideal amount of ambient noise is the noise level of your average coffee shop, the team at Coffitivity has created a web app that will produce “just enough noise to work” and get those creative juices flowing.

Designed to be played alongside any music you may be listening to, the soothing coffee shop sounds that the app produces will lure you into the illusion that you are working in a busy café, instead of alone at your work space.

For maximum effect, set the Coffitivity player volume just slightly lower than that of your music player.

You can give this innovative app a try over here.

[via Coffitivity]