Slovenia-based creative agency Kitsch-Nitsch has designed a stylish 80s-themed salon, featuring strong graphic elements and over-the-top furnishing, that is targeted at youths.
The salon is part of leading Slovenian salon brand—Mič Styling’s new, younger brand of salons, Young Mič Styling.
According to the designers of Kitsch-Nitsch, “We wanted to avoid the main mistake that is usually made when designing for youth, where one takes the symbolism of a subculture and tries to buy acceptance by photoshopping it all over their own image. Such attitude always comes out pushy and patronizing and you rightfully get just the opposite result.”
So they went in the opposite direction instead, going back to their favorite era of the 70s and 80s—the result is a cohesive and retro-glam salon that exudes a bright, colorful retro vibe.
It features self-adhesive vinyl that was hand-cut and applied by the designers, as well as specially designed MDF furniture and mirrors designed by Kitsch-Nitsch and built by Lakva Carpentry.
[via Archilovers]