3 September 2013

Cats Keep Fit On Underwater Treadmills

[Click here to view the video in this article]

If cats were worshipped as gods in ancient times, they certainly still enjoy the divine treatment now.

A new form of therapy, 'hydrotherapy', has been introduced for felines that lack the fitness to indulge in their rat-chasing activities.

During therapy, the cat takes a knee-deep stroll in lukewarm water to strengthen up its limbs. Surprisingly, most cats take to the water well, enjoying their relaxing strolls on the treadmill.

While regular walking can be a strain for cats that suffer from arthritis or overweight issues, “the buoyancy of the water takes the weight and stress off fragile joints and damaged tissue”, providing gentle treatment for the cat.

Watch how this overweight cat unwinds in the water in the video below:

[via The Daily Mail and The Atlantic]