3 September 2013

Device Gives Users 'Electric Pokes' When They Waste Time On Facebook

[Click here to view the video in this article]

Sick of wasting time on Facebook, Robert R. Morris and Dan McDuff, two Ph.D. candidates from MIT, have decided to create a keyboard accessory which helps them be more productive.

Inspired by a man who paid someone to slap him every time he looked at Facebook, the “Pavlov Poke” sends out a mild electric shock to the user every time he is distracted from his work by social media.

Named after the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov, who used a similar method in experimenting with dogs, the device has helped Morris get out of the “weird hypnotic trance” that he lapses into while surfing Facebook.

Although this device raises controversy, Morris maintains that it is more of a design project rather than a panacea for social media addicts.

These innovators believe that a “serious discussion” about communication technologies is needed, and perhaps, people will come up with less drastic ways to cope with social media addiction.

Watch the video to see this accessory in action.

[via Oddity Central]