3 September 2013

In The Future, You May Be Using Your Face As Your Password

As more and more of our personal information is stored online and in our smart devices, security becomes a serious concern—and the conventional alpha-numeric password seems increasingly inadequate.

To combat this problem, Switzerland-based company KeyLemon has come up with a software that lets users log in to their devices with their faces—more recently, they have also introduced a voice recognition function.

Making use of the in-built camera and microphone that are found on most smart devices today, KeyLemon’s innovative new technology will actually be used in a line of computers by Japanese electronics brand Fujitsu.

Considering that the relatively young company—founded in 2008—has just raised US$1.5 million for its product, it may not be so long before we are using faces as our passwords.

If so, does it mean that we will never have to worry about forgetting a password again?

[via VentureBeat]