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Many a rising star have been discovered on YouTube, and this man could very well be one of them with his quirky talent.
YouTube user ‘Smooth McGroove’ creates a-cappella compositions of famous video game songs from the lands of 'Mario', 'Donkey Kong', 'Zelda', 'Pokémon' and many others, singing them to pitch perfection.
Each of his videos features a few frames of himself singing a different melody or beat, alongside a snippet from the actual video game to show how the harmonies synchronize seamlessly.
The way he layers his vocals to emulate the 8-bit music is both nostalgic and melodious.
Preview some of his videos below:

[via Smooth McGroove]

Many a rising star have been discovered on YouTube, and this man could very well be one of them with his quirky talent.
YouTube user ‘Smooth McGroove’ creates a-cappella compositions of famous video game songs from the lands of 'Mario', 'Donkey Kong', 'Zelda', 'Pokémon' and many others, singing them to pitch perfection.
Each of his videos features a few frames of himself singing a different melody or beat, alongside a snippet from the actual video game to show how the harmonies synchronize seamlessly.
The way he layers his vocals to emulate the 8-bit music is both nostalgic and melodious.
Preview some of his videos below:

[via Smooth McGroove]