3 September 2013

Beautiful Flitting Birds Brought To Life With Flipbook Machines

[Click here to view the video in this article]

At the heart of every film is a simple concept, the moving image, that started from the idea of taking a still image and making it come to life.

Juan Fontanive’s kinetic art pieces are “somewhere between film and sculpture”. Interested in “the beauty of sequential and repetitive movement”, he chooses mechanical over digital methods in his works.

In his newest series, ‘Ornithology’, he goes back to the basics, fashioning simple flipbook machines that mimic the movements of birds.

Once set to motion, Fontanive’s exquisite bird illustrations flutter to life. From certain angles, it seems like the birds are really flitting within their metallic frames.

The rustling of paper also complements this beautifully by mimicking the sound of flapping wings.

Click below to watch the colorful bird show:

[via My Modern Met and Juan Fontanive]