5 September 2013

In France, Dad Sends Kids’ Toys To Space, Records Their Journey

[Click here to view the video in this article]

Last December, when his children asked him to send their toys to space, Nicholas L. agreed to it without giving it much thought.

However, he did not want to be like parents who didn’t keep their promises, and so spent four months doing research on how to make this happen.

He shipped a GPS tracker from Hong Kong, bought a weather balloon from a US army surplus store, and attached two waterproof GoPro cameras to record this entire journey.

The family attached an ‘Angry Birds’ toy and a Hello Kitty doll to it, launching this contraption in July, with the toys traveling up to 20,000 meters above sea level before drifting back to Earth.

Since the GPS tracker was damaged, they had trouble recovering the toys, but soon found the remnants of this expedition 50-kilometers from the launch site.

Judging from the video below, it looked like the toys had their share of fun as well.

[via Oddity Central]