6 September 2013

Poignant Portraits Of Human-Like Monkey Dancers Dressed In Clothes

In Japan, “Samurawashi” is a form of acrobatic street performance where specially-trained monkeys put on clothes and act out skits—it is a highly regarded form of traditional art that is sadly dying out.

US-based photographer Hiroshi Watanabe has shot a portrait series titled ‘Suo Samurawashi’, that features the primate performers dressed in their costumes and looking incredibly human-like.

Shot with a Hasselblad against a basic backdrop, these photographs are poignant and fascinating, showing how traditional culture can be affected by modernization.

Watanabe is holding an exhibition of his Samurawashi photographs in Los Angeles from 7 September to 26 October 2013—find more details of the event over here.

[via The Fox Is Black]