The scientists at the University of Edinburgh have programmed a computer to tell sexist jokes.
The computer, equipped with a system that makes use of one of comedy’s oldest tricks, puts two unlikely words and makes a comparison between them, resulting in some interesting jokes.
Some of them include “I like my women like I like my gas—natural,” and “I like my women like I like my camera—ready to flash.”
Other jokes that didn’t work as well included one which went “I like my men like I like my court—superior.”
David Matthews, one of the computer scientists behind the project, said that the software would have to develop cultural awareness to tell better jokes, and getting the computer to make pop culture references was the “Holy Grail” of joke-telling computers.
Perhaps that will improve the computer’s sense of humor—although many have smiled at the computer’s jokes, it is clear that human-made ones are a lot funnier.
[via The Telegraph]