Time has come up with an interactive mood map of the US that shows you where you should live according to your temperament.
The 10-question test is designed to tell users which state is the best fit for them by assessing their emotions and character traits. Friendly Midwestern states like Iowa and Nebraska are red and moody East Coast types translate to blue on the map, while relaxed and creative people are found in the green states of North Carolina and Virginia.
The results may not be surprising – Californians are laidback while New Yorkers are temperamental – but users are given a chance to rank a set of attributes on a scale of one to seven instead of merely ticking answers.
They were taken from a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Nearly 1.6 million people from all 50 states took part in the study which lasted 12 years, with the exception of Alaska and Hawaii which didn’t have enough respondents.
Find out which state you belong to here.

[via Fast Company, images via Time]