Susan Weese embarked on her trip around the world last year, but unlike most people, she decided to set off with a life-size skeleton named “Samantha”.
The former medical illustrator started her journey on 1 November 2012, which is also known as “The Day Of The Dead” in many cultures.
So far, Weese and her companion have traveled to New York, Paris, Rome and Chicago. Samantha has even posed for photos on occasion.
This unusual travel project is also known as “Sam 365”. Weese has received clothes for the skeleton from her friends as well as other accessories.
Traveling with Samantha can be been difficult as the 57-year-old has to arrange her luggage to accommodate the 19kg skeleton. She can also get bruised if she carries her bony travel buddy for too long.
Once, Weese was even held up at the department of agriculture at Newark in New Jersey because staff had to make sure that the skeleton is not made out of real bone.

[via Metro.co.uk]