In order to compare the faces of the ‘typical woman’ in different countries, scientists created a digital composite of thousands of faces in each country to come up with a model of what the ‘average’ woman looks like.
For the experiment, psychologists at the University of Glasgow photographed women of 41 different nationalities, spanning European countries like Germany and France, to Asian countries like Philippines and Cambodia.
With a computer program, they digitally superimposed the images and created an ‘average’ look using the women’s eyes as the focal point.
Results show that the ‘average’ woman doesn’t look so average, after all. Each composite highlights the different beautiful features that the women of each of the nationalities have.
The results may not be accurate across the board, seeing that the ‘average’ woman of each country seems to have the same mousy brown hair color and be in her early twenties.
Still, this project makes for an intriguing point of discussion. What do you think?

[via The Collective Intelligence]