9 March 2015

11-Year-Old Dressed Up As Christian Grey Of ‘50 Shades’ For World Book Day

When you think about a school event celebrating World Book Day, it is not like likely that 50 Shades of Grey would come to mind.

However, that was exactly what 11-year-old Liam Scholes and his mother thought of when he was asked to dress up as his favorite literary character for the event—this was why Liam walked into school in a sleek grey suit, armed with a blindfold and cable ties.

Unfortunately, his teacher did not appreciate the humor behind his “hilarious Kid Grey costume”, and had it “modified” before he was allowed to participate and enjoy the activities of the day.

His mother was puzzled by the school’s response, considering that one of the teachers dressed up as the serial killer lead from TV show Dexter—according to her, she does not understand “why sex is seen as more offensive than murder”.

Read more Liam and his unconventional World Book Day costume here—what do you think of a kid dressing up as Christian Grey?

[via Hello Giggles]