27 March 2015

Blue Milk, Miniature Breakfast, Other Fun And Harmless April Fools’ Day Pranks

Image via Con Poulos

It is not uncommon to come across April Fools’ Day pranks on the internet that seem to be crossing the line, and which may actually hurt their victims, whether physically or psychologically.

If you want to join in the fun of the day, but don’t want to go too far, the Martha Stewart website has recommended several April Fools’ tricks that are funny and harmless, and are likely to make both the pranksters and victims laugh.

From blue milk pouring out of a carton and blue water running out of the tap to a cute miniature breakfast, these are creative pranks that anyone with a sense of humor would probably enjoy.

Head over here to view all the pranks—some of them even come with instructions on how to make them happen.

[via Martha Stewart]