26 March 2015

Elegantly Packaged Feminist Beer Pushes Back At Sexism In Advertising

In too many beer ads, women are portrayed in sexualized, objectified stereotypes—more often than not, they are scantily clad. In some cases, these ads not only seem to condone, but actually encourage sexual harassment.

While such sexism is generally observable in all kinds of ads, it is particularly blatant in beer advertising—as such, a group of advertising creative in Brazil decided to create a “feminist beer”, named “Cerveja Feminista”, which aims to raise awareness and combat this problem in the industry.

Featuring an elegantly minimalist, typographic label with “Feminist” written on it, its creators hope that it would help spread spread their message to as many people as possible, and start conversations about this social issue.

Read more about this beer with a cause here.

[via Fast Co. Exist]