5 April 2013

Designer Unearths An Intriguing ‘Fossilized’ Typeface

Austrian designer Andreas Scheiger, inspired by the fossil models that children make in school, has created an intriguing ‘fossilized’ typeface that looks like they have just been excavated.

The project, named “Evolution of Type”, imagines the biological evolution of a typeface, and its “preservation” to eventually become ancient fossils.

Made with plasticine, chicken bones, wood, water colors and gypsum, these letter sculptures are a gorgeous and creative way to imagine an alternative life for fonts.

The designer’s clever photography—using props like archeological brushes and measuring tapes—makes these letters look like they have really just been unearthed.

Check out Scheiger’s blog to learn more about the process of how these fossilized letters are made.

[via Visual News]