9 April 2013

Street Artist Paints Massive Urban Calligraphy On Roof Of Abandoned Building

[Click here to view the video in this article]

Athen-based designer, calligrapher and street artist Simon Silaidis has created a stunning piece of cross-cultural calligraphy art on the roof of an abandoned building.

Mixing Western, Asian and Arabic calligraphy styles, his has created and displayed his artworks in both rural and urban environments across Asia and Europe.

Photographer and film-maker Alexis Ioannou has shot a dreamy short film that shows the artist at work on his massive rooftop piece—painting out the black and white letters with dramatic flourishes, his movements are mesmerizing to watch.

The video is beautifully accompanied by the soulful sound of Adele’s Skyfall—watch it in full below before heading over to Silaidis’ Flickr page for more images of his calligraphy art.

[via Fubiz]