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Between Lord Voldemort (a.k.a He Who Must Not Be Named) and Gandalf the Gray of Lord of The Rings—which of the two most powerful (fictional) wizards of our time will prevail, when they face each other in an epic showdown?
BrotherhoodWorkshop put together a video that gives you a good idea of how it would be.
Let it be known that the battle took place at Ollivanders:

[via Mashable.com, images via < a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/BrotherhoodWorkshop?feature=watch">BrotherhoodWorkshop]

Between Lord Voldemort (a.k.a He Who Must Not Be Named) and Gandalf the Gray of Lord of The Rings—which of the two most powerful (fictional) wizards of our time will prevail, when they face each other in an epic showdown?
BrotherhoodWorkshop put together a video that gives you a good idea of how it would be.
Let it be known that the battle took place at Ollivanders:

[via Mashable.com, images via < a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/BrotherhoodWorkshop?feature=watch">BrotherhoodWorkshop]