4 May 2013

World’s First 3D-Printed Gun: Bad News?

American Law student Cody Wilson has created the world's first 3D printed gun, which he calls the “Liberator.”

Wilson is also the founder of non-profit organization Defense Distributed, which is responsible for the overall creation and launch of the Liberator. The organization has recently obtained its federal firearms license, officially legalizing it as a gun manufacturer.

The Liberator prototype is made up of 16 pieces, all of which were printed in ABS plastic using a printer from printing company Stratasys. The only non-plastic component is a single nail within the gun, which is to be used as a firing pin.

The 3D printed gun is supposed to be capable of firing standard handgun rounds and can accommodate different barrel sizes for different calibers of ammunition.

Wilson plans to release the 3D-printable CAD files (printable gun blueprints) for the gun early next week, after it has cleared testing and proves to be able to operate reliably.

When questioned about how the instructions to create this 3D printable gun might be too accessible online, Wilson responded that while he agrees that it is “kind of scary”, it is precisely what they want to make a point about–the fact that, “You can print a lethal device” in this modern day and age.

What do you think about a printable firearm? Does it symbolize the progression of technology? Or a step-backward for humanity?

Click on image to enlarge

[via Forbes.com, images via Michael Thad Carter / Forbes.com and Defense Distributed]