9 September 2013

Photographs of Strangely Expressive Safety Pins That Display Human Emotions

While it is already quite a feat to capture human-like qualities on animals like dogs, Chinese photographer Jun C has managed to produce photographs of expressive safety pins.

By carefully bending and positioning the safety pins in everyday situations that people come across daily—for instance, resting on a chair—he is able to bring these inanimate objects to life.

In many of these pictures, the viewer would be able to feel a strange empathy for the forlorn-looking safety pins, who are often depicted as lonely characters in the wide world.

It is not all sad for the safety pins though—Jun has also shot a few photographs of safety pin who are in love, “sitting” sweetly next to each other.

View more from the photographer’s safety pin series below—or head over to his DeviantArt page for more of his work.

[via Visual News]