17 October 2013

Beautiful, Thought-Provoking Photos Of Women Going Topless In New York City

Photographer Jordan Matter—whom we featured earlier for his intriguing images of dancers and athletes—has published a book titled Uncovered that features stunning images of topless women in New York City’s public spaces.

Being naked in public is a common nightmare for many, so for these women to go against convention and appear bare-breasted on the streets is a feat that requires considerable courage.

In addition to portraits of over 80 topless women that were taken over a period of six years—who all volunteered for the project—the book also includes enlightening statements from and interviews with the subjects.

“Many of the women agreed to interviews or wrote their own texts for this collection, revealing their journeys toward self-acceptance. The result is a remarkable chorus of shared experience, secret fears, optimism and wisdom.”

Celebrating the female body and the individual women who are brave enough to confront their insecurities and accept themselves, Uncovered can be purchased here.

You can also get a preview of the book on its website or view more images from it on Matter’s Flickr page.

[via My Modern Met]