25 March 2015

Fascinating Series Of Double Exposure Photos Paired With Words Of Wisdom

Being free means having the courage to let go.

Florida-based photographer Brandon Kidwell has a knack for capturing double exposure portraits.

He decided to combine his work and personal life in the series titled ‘Wisdom for my Children’.

The fascinating project features double exposure images paired with complementary advice that he has given to his children over the years.

Check out some of these visuals below and more over here.

Sometimes what we fear the most is only something we haven’t grasped an understanding of.

Be mindful of the roads you choose, they will take you where you are going!

Strong roots require continual growth, nourish them by reaching far and wide.

To find truth, sometimes you have to reach into the darkness.

Life is often best appreciated by walking your path one step at a time.

[via My Modern Met, images via Brandon Kidwell]