19 March 2015

The ‘Star Trek’ U.S.S Enterprise Sushi Set Has Clever Hidden Compartments

What better way to enjoy your sushi than to have it plated on the ‘Star Trek U.S.S Enterprise Sushi Set’.

Designed after the starship U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 spacecraft, from Star Trek: The Original Series, the set comes with cleverly hidden compartments that would make your sushi eating experience a tad cooler.

The wooden base is used as a plate for the sushi, while the saucer of the ship has a removable lid that opened up into a soy sauce dish, and the blue warp tails slides off the nacelles to be used as a pair of chopsticks.

Would you use this sushi set?

Head over here to purchase it for US$34.99.

[via Laughing Squid, ThinkGeek]