12 February 2015

Restaurant In China Offers Free Food To Their Most Good-looking Customers

Image: Clarrie-Anne Cooper

A restaurant in Zhengzhou, China, is offering a "Pay by Face" promotion, for the best looking customers to receive a free meal.

Customers who want to participate in the promotion have to scan their faces at special stations before their meal. These images are then evaluated by a team of plastic surgeons who will score and rank them.

The results would be out within half an hour, and if you are among the top five on their list, you will receive a free meal as well as the validation of the other customers around you.

In this case, you do not necessarily have to be drop-dead gorgeous, but you would need to be "easier on the eyes" than the other patrons who are in the restaurant at around the same time.

Find out more about the restaurant and its unusual promotion here.

[via First We Feast]