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UK-based smartphone company Kazam’s latest ad has been banned in the UK for ‘objectifying women’.
Touting the ‘world’s slimmest’ smartphone— Kazam’s Tornado 348—the one-minute-long spot features a lingerie-clad lady sexily sashaying in a house.
Eight official complaints were filed against the ad for being “overtly sexual and objectified women, and because the content bore no relationship to the advertised product.”
As a result, the Advertising Standards Authority said the ad must not be aired again in its present state.
Kazam responded to the complaints that the commercial’s focus was on the part where the phone was so stick-thin that it would be easily forgotten if left in a shirt pocket—making use of a “well-known scenario” of individuals ironing their clothes in their underwear as they prepare to head out, except that the ad’s model ironed her shirt without realizing her phone was in it.
The smartphone company also added that they made sure the spot, which was passed an “ex-kids” (no children under 16) restriction, was broadcasted during timeslots that aren’t child-friendly.
UK’s ad clearing body, Clearcast, said the ad was “slightly sexual” but did not think it was “gratuitous or likely to cause offense.”
What do you think?
Watch the controversial ad below:

[via Business Insider, images via Kazam EU]
UK-based smartphone company Kazam’s latest ad has been banned in the UK for ‘objectifying women’.
Touting the ‘world’s slimmest’ smartphone— Kazam’s Tornado 348—the one-minute-long spot features a lingerie-clad lady sexily sashaying in a house.
Eight official complaints were filed against the ad for being “overtly sexual and objectified women, and because the content bore no relationship to the advertised product.”
As a result, the Advertising Standards Authority said the ad must not be aired again in its present state.
Kazam responded to the complaints that the commercial’s focus was on the part where the phone was so stick-thin that it would be easily forgotten if left in a shirt pocket—making use of a “well-known scenario” of individuals ironing their clothes in their underwear as they prepare to head out, except that the ad’s model ironed her shirt without realizing her phone was in it.
The smartphone company also added that they made sure the spot, which was passed an “ex-kids” (no children under 16) restriction, was broadcasted during timeslots that aren’t child-friendly.
UK’s ad clearing body, Clearcast, said the ad was “slightly sexual” but did not think it was “gratuitous or likely to cause offense.”
What do you think?
Watch the controversial ad below:
[via Business Insider, images via Kazam EU]