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To increase her chances of finding a boyfriend in San Francisco, an anonymous 26-year-old woman has started a creative project that had her leaving personal ads in the form of huge hand-lettered murals and flyers around the city.
Titled ‘Looking For Love’, her project consists of a series of personal messages featured in flyers and 54-foot hand-painted murals that were made by designer Matthew Wyne.
With sweet messages like “Looking For Someone To Fall Asleep With” and “Looking For Someone Who Sees the Poetry in Things”, we think it won’t be too long before this bold woman finds her special someone.
Check out the murals below, or head here to read more about the project.

Image via Matthew Wyne

Image via Matthew Wyne

[via Laughing Squid, images via Looking For Love]
To increase her chances of finding a boyfriend in San Francisco, an anonymous 26-year-old woman has started a creative project that had her leaving personal ads in the form of huge hand-lettered murals and flyers around the city.
Titled ‘Looking For Love’, her project consists of a series of personal messages featured in flyers and 54-foot hand-painted murals that were made by designer Matthew Wyne.
With sweet messages like “Looking For Someone To Fall Asleep With” and “Looking For Someone Who Sees the Poetry in Things”, we think it won’t be too long before this bold woman finds her special someone.
Check out the murals below, or head here to read more about the project.
Image via Matthew Wyne
Image via Matthew Wyne
[via Laughing Squid, images via Looking For Love]