2 January 2013

Artist Creates Intricate Sculptures From Encyclopedias

England-based artist Alexander Korzer-Robinson has taken antique books and turned them into beautiful sculptures that are rich with narrative.

What’s interesting is that these images are all in their original position.

Korzer-Robinson works primarily with encyclopedias, which gives him a wide variety of ‘subjects’ to work with.

With bountiful pages of knowledge, Korzer-Robinson carefully chooses the images to keep and which to remove from his layered collages.

“By using pre-existing media as a starting point, certain boundaries are set by the material, which I aim to transform through my process,” said the artist, “Thus, an encyclopedia can become a window into an alternate world, much like lived reality becomes its alternate in remembered experience."

“These books, having been stripped of their utilitarian value by the passage of time, regain new purpose. They are no longer tools to learn about the world, but rather a means to gain insight about oneself.”

[via Alexander Korzer-Robinson]