30 July 2012

Flash Mob ‘Invades’ IKEA, Organizes Slumber Party

[Click here to view the video in this article]

Earlier this month, a ‘fun-loving criminal syndicate’ called the Squirt Gun Mafia, decided to hold a 'flash mob' within an IKEA store in Emeryville, California.

Unlike most flash mobs, no dancing was involved—instead participants were encouraged to arrive in their “best set of jammies”, bring optional items such as tooth brushes, teddy bears, alarm clocks, bedtime stories and get into the IKEA beds by 7pm.

The event called ‘The IKEA Slumber Party’ was announced on Facebook, where over 50 participants responded with ‘Attending’.

According to their website, Squirt Gun Mafia indicated that the IKEA store and staff were unaware of their flash mob and that the ‘element of surprise is essential’.

“Ok, so here’s the plan: wait for the signal, climb into bed, take a nap, hear some bedtime stories, we leave when it stops being funny. Any questions?” one of the Squirt Gun Mafia members said in a post.

A slumber party flash mob in IKEA—yay or nay?

Click to watch the video below:

[via The Squirt Gun Mafia]