2 July 2013

A Beautiful Deck Of Typographic Playing Cards For Design Lovers

Here is a treat for the design and typography lovers—Vancouver-based English designer Chris Cavill has created Type Deck, a gorgeous set of playing cards that are “presented through typography”.

In place of the usual suit symbols and numbers found on regular playing cards, Type Deck features eye-pleasing typography that spells out the cards’ suits and values instead of expressing them graphically.

The project is now crowd-sourcing on Kickstarter—if it hits a 200% stretch goal, Cavill will enhance the already lovely tuck case the deck comes in with gold, grey and white foils.

The designers will also be releasing t-shirt designs of the most popular cards each week—you can vote for your favorite cards to be turned into t-shirts over here.

See below for mock up images of the Type Deck.

[via Kickstarter]