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Perfect for single-and-ready-to-mingle Tweetaholics, hotel @Sol Wave House is the “first Twitter experience hotel in the world”.
Located near the Mediterranean Sea on an island in Spain, Mallorca or Majorca, the Twitter-themed hotel that opened a year ago lets guests browse through the hotel guest list and interact and flirt with other guests.
However—to share pictures, send private messages, and send virtual kisses—guests would first have to log in via Twitter to the web app that’s only available on the hotel’s WiFi, and use the hotel network ‘#SocialWave’.
For scenic tan sessions, the heart of the hotel also has an infinity pool that overlooks the sea with Bali beds surrounding it—and for those who’d like to do some surfing, the hotel has an artificial wave machine that lets you enjoy the view at the same time.
“Each Bali bed has a number, so if there’s anyone sitting on the Bali bed you’re interested in, and want to play, you use the hashtag for the Beli bed, like #BaliBed1, #Balibed6,” Marco Fantón, Sol Wave House’s social media director, told TIME.
Guests can also send food and drink orders to others by the pool via a tweet, and make other requests (such as filling the minibar with #FillMyFridge) by tweeting to the hotel’s Twitter handler @SolWaveHouse.

[via @Sol Wave House and TIME]

Perfect for single-and-ready-to-mingle Tweetaholics, hotel @Sol Wave House is the “first Twitter experience hotel in the world”.
Located near the Mediterranean Sea on an island in Spain, Mallorca or Majorca, the Twitter-themed hotel that opened a year ago lets guests browse through the hotel guest list and interact and flirt with other guests.
However—to share pictures, send private messages, and send virtual kisses—guests would first have to log in via Twitter to the web app that’s only available on the hotel’s WiFi, and use the hotel network ‘#SocialWave’.
For scenic tan sessions, the heart of the hotel also has an infinity pool that overlooks the sea with Bali beds surrounding it—and for those who’d like to do some surfing, the hotel has an artificial wave machine that lets you enjoy the view at the same time.
“Each Bali bed has a number, so if there’s anyone sitting on the Bali bed you’re interested in, and want to play, you use the hashtag for the Beli bed, like #BaliBed1, #Balibed6,” Marco Fantón, Sol Wave House’s social media director, told TIME.
Guests can also send food and drink orders to others by the pool via a tweet, and make other requests (such as filling the minibar with #FillMyFridge) by tweeting to the hotel’s Twitter handler @SolWaveHouse.

[via @Sol Wave House and TIME]